Revive Your Relationship With The Quran

This Ramadhan, revive your relationship with the Quran.

If there’s any month in which the Quran should be recited more often, it is Ramadhan. Revive your relationship with the Quran. When Allah mentions the month of Ramadan in the Quran, He closely associates it with the Quran, thus indicating its importance and significance.

Apart from the word of Allah in the scriptures just take a look around yourself, and feel the energy of Ramadhan. Is there any other month that feels like this? The vibe, the love and the community feel; there’s literally people begging you to eat there food, share there platter and lead Salah so we can all reap the rewards.

Revive Your Relationship With The Quran

We can also look at the life the Prophet Muhammad PBUH, even He PBUH was different and as Messanger of All’ah he intesifeid him prayers. In this month, the Prophet PBUH increased his recitation of the Qur’an and the Angel Jibrail A.S. used to meet him every night during Ramadan to revise the Qur’an with him.

This influenced many Islamic scholars of the past, who used to complete up to 60 recitations of the Quran during the month.

Listen to the Quran on YouTube

This Ramadhan, revive your relationship with the Quran. let us begin by reviewing our current relationship with the Quran and work on increasing its recitation. It all starts with making a habit, start your day and set your alarm to play something you like, and wake up smiling and start the day on the right foot.

Start from where you left off and create a bond with Quran by holding it, gaze at the words, listen to some of the magnificent surahs and recitations on YouTube and try reciting it at least once a day.

There’s nothing wrong with listening to it, and just like you learn and memorise the words from your favorite songs, perhaps you will learn the words of Allah SWT. Repetition works, and soon enough it will spark your curiosity, and you will find the need to try and understand it. That my friends is the first step.

With Qur’an recitation and donating to charity being the two things the Prophet PBUH increased in Ramadhan, it’s only befitting that we follow suit and emulate this great example.

Transform your soul this Ramadhan

We have so many videos springing up form health experts and other people online showing you the benefits of fasting in Ramadhan. But do not let that take you away from the inner focus, Ramadhan can transform your soul, If you let it.

This Ramadhan help restore spiritual satisfaction and fulfillment. What’s more, whilst doing these things, one will feel a sense of achievement on the day of Eid and leave Ramadhan with certain tools to keep them going until the following Ramadhan.

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